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twenty three

I've decided to start a new tradition for myself where every year on my birthday (or vaguely around my birthday - it's breeding season & your girl stays busy) I post my favorite photos I took the previous year & the number of favorites is whatever my age was that year. the best part of this is every year I get to pick one more photo...decisions are hard & I'm very lucky to get to photograph some beautiful things. now that you've got an idea of how this is going to work, please sit back & enjoy my twenty three favorites of twenty three.

the most special photos I got to take in my twenty third trip around the sun. sitting here writing this we're four days out from Mae & Travis' wedding & I don't know if I've ever been so excited for something. getting to watch these two meet, fall in love, & start a life together (& get to take photos of them every step of the way) has been truly one of the greatest honors that's ever been bestowed on me. I love y'all!!

there are going to be several photos in here that are far from technically excellent, but technical excellence doesn't always make a favorite photo. case in point, my two crackheads. this is one of my favorites simply because of who's in it & this is certainly not the last photo of these two that you'll see in this recap.

I took this heading home from taking photos of Anna & Wyatt & I love everything about it - the colors, the lighting, everything. I left this session probably thirty minutes ahead of Anna & she almost beat me home because I kept stopping to take photos in this sunset lighting. a perfect picture to sum up a perfect trip.

another far from technically perfect photo - there's just something about the colors & the expression on sweet Charlie girl's face that makes me really proud to have taken this (regardless of how noisy it is - oops!)

I've been very lucky to get to work with some great studs, and Memorable Revolution is no exception. he is a perfect gentleman at (almost) all times & is absolutely gorgeous to boot. he's also produced some unbelievably well-mannered, trainable, big beautiful babies that I'm excited to get to watch in the show pen. here's to you, Beau.

Anna & Wyatt were so much fun to shoot. there's something very sentimental about getting to shoot your best friends & their significant others, knowing there's a good chance these photos are going to live on in family photo albums for years to come. I hope to get to take lots more photos of this duo (& Two Socks, of course).

Cisco is a very handsome boy & a Tiktok sensation, but mostly he's Caileigh's trusty steed. the colors in this one are chef's kiss, thank you Wyoming fall, & even though he's not my horse I have this photo hung up on my wall because I just like looking at it so much.

Hippo & her baby Potato - these two are stunning, even laying down almost buried in the grass. Hippo, aka The Shining Gun, is a money earner in her own right & Potato, who's by A Vintage Smoke, is for sure going to be one to watch here in a few years. Until then, you can find him snoozing or splashing around in mud puddles.

This is one of my favorites for obvious reasons. Taryn, Cardinal's all star breeding manager, & Roll Your Nickles are both so fun to photograph - Nickle because he's the handsomest boy & Taryn because she's almost guaranteed to be making a funny face. This one didn't make it all the way through the black background editing but it's getting framed regardless & Taryn might be getting it as a wedding present.

I got to pretend to be Nicole's horse show mom back in November & I just love this photo of Pocket. he's the gentlest little gelding in the whole world & he & Nicole are going to be a duo to watch. I love the way the light hit him in this photo & how it highlights his sweet sweet face.

I just love the colors & the light in this one. it wasn't a particularly special day, just doing some roping practice with friends in the arena after work, but sometimes those are actually the most special days.

my sweet Skunk boy. he is ever so much more photogenic than his sister & he's turned into the best little farm dog. he's always down for a cuddle or a ride in the gator or to spectate as we chase recips around to give a shot. hands down the best $5oo I've ever spent.

I love this photo just because of the little glimpse it gives into life as a wrangler. the jackets, because Wyoming is so good at heating up during the day & cooling off at night. the rope, for practice after work with your friends. the water bottle & cowboy hat, arguably the most important wrangler accessories, behind the friends you make (not pictured but dearly treasured).

Rosey aka one of the most photogenic babies we've had all year. she's a stunning filly by Inferno 66 out of Always Steppin Smart & was a total shock to us when she popped out as a palomino because her mom is black - smokey black, as it turns out. maybe I'll photoshop the dumpster out & put this up for purchase in my print shop, thoughts?

I think it's pretty obvious why this is one of my favorites...but in case it's not - Anna is one of my favorite people in the world, certainly one of my favorites to take photos of. normally she's a stunning, photogenic lady, but every now & then I get a gem like this.

I love a good detail shot & this momma was just perfect. She'd just popped out the cutest little kid, & in between nickering sweetly at her managed to strike a few poses for me.

Taylor & I met at Tom McCutcheon Reining Horses but I never got a chance to take photos for her until she started working for Brian Bell. I just love the colors in this one & the contrast (how she wasn't dying in that black shirt I'll never know).

My sweet Dally girl. love of my life, the best free dog Facebook has ever seen, if you know me you've heard all about this little red dog. certainly less photogenic than her brother, but that's not really why I love this photo.

this is another perfect baby we had - as I was editing this I sent it to Kayla & said "I think this is one of the best photos I've ever taken" & I stand by that. it could probably stand to have mom's head photoshopped out but everything, & I mean everything, about baby makes me want to print this out & hang it on my wall.

I love this picture because it shows you exactly who Taryn is. it's yet another that's not the most technically perfect, but the emotion in it is unbeatable. Taryn, if you're reading this, I love you!

this is another shot from the day I spent pretending to be Nicole's horse show mom, but taken after they finished showing for the day. Pocket was a sweet baby angel, & one of the judges actually stopped Nicole to ask how old she was & if she'd trained him herself. what you're seeing in this picture is a proud horse mom & what you're not seeing behind the camera is a proud horse show mom.

my girl Erin - normally a very photogenic lady but sometimes she's just a little goofy. she's my fashion inspiration for daysss & I want to grow up to be her.

my sweet boy! Skunk is my perfect angel 95% of the time (is he prone to making bad decisions? sure) & he's hands down one of the most photogenic dogs I've met. this photo is from the birthday photoshoot I forced him to sit for, & this is absolutely printed out & framed on my wall.

I hope y'all enjoyed this tiny glimpse into some of my favorite photos. they're not all perfect, but they are all perfect, ya know? anyways, come back next year for my twenty four favorites of twenty four!

xo, Caroline

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